I recently read
The Liturgical Year by Joan Chittister. The book is an explanation if the liturgical year, its importance, and how its observance brings us closer to Jesus.
Joan Chittister, the author, is a nun and I feel the book would be best understood by someone of the catholic faith, despite her attempts at all inclusiveness. When I chose this book I expected it to be more of a step by step guide to the liturgical year geared towards Christians of all backgrounds. I am of the United Methodist faith and am familiar with the liturgical year, but I walked away feeling more like the book was written to a Catholic audience. Rather than a step by step guide, the book was more of an explanation of the Liturgical year as a whole.
Although I was disappointed in the contents of the book, I must say it was very well written and I did learn quite a bit. The author does an excellent of job of relaying how the liturgical year helps us stay connected to Jesus. Her writing is compelling and I loved the fact that key notes are placed on nearly every page. I am notorious for underlining in my books and this feature allowed me to continue reading without interrupting the flow of the book.
This book is defiantly worth a read, but it would be best for someone with a basic understanding of the liturgical year. I would not recommend this book as an introduction to the topic.
This review is my own opinion of the book. I review for Thomas Nelson, but I am not required to give a positive review of the books they send me, just an honest one. Thomas Nelson does provide me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.